The charity known as the Friends of St Mary’s was founded in 1945. It comprises a group of people - from Harrow and further afield - whose prime objective is ‘to help preserve and improve the fabric and precincts of St Mary’s, Harrow on the Hill, and to bring together in association, all who may wish to do so.’


heir interest is the preservation of the ancient and important church whose spire has been the landmark of the borough for centuries.

In 1981 the Friends launched Spirewatch, specifically as a focus for capital fund-raising. Within a very short period a substantial and protected capital sum was raised. The income from this invested fund, together with monies from on-going Spirewatch events, provides the source of an annual gift made to St Mary’s for the repairs and upkeep of its fabric. In recent years it has provided in excess of £30,000 for projects including tomb repairs, roof repairs and rebuilding the organ.

Over the intervening years the group has sponsored many events which support its social and fund-raising aims. The current programme includes St Mary’s Birthday Service in January, the annual Art Show in May, a summer music concert and autumn Heritage and quiz events (see Events page for details of the future programme).